彼らのブルガリアのファンジン (ウェブ=ジン) に掲載されたインタビューの紹介。
彼らは、アナキスト・コレクティブ "CrimethInc. Ex-Workers' Collective" のメンバーがやっていた (全員ではない) ことでも知られる Catharsis / Requiem のメンバーにより結成されたニュー・バンドで、先日、その CrimethInc. より1stアルバム "Germinate" を、MP3、AAC、CD の3種類のフォーマットでリリースしたばかり。
しかしながら、このバンドは、CrimethInc. の考えを直接的に反映したものではないことを最後に付け加えておく。詳しくはインタビューを。
以下のリンクより :
From the Depths interview from diy.aresistance.net (Bulgarian)
From the Depths interview from Straight From The Inside (English)

Hearkening back to the days when anarcho-punk was characterized by bands as diverse as Crass, Chumbawumba, and Contropotere, the songs on this album combine d-beat power, slower and faster hardcore, harsh noise, and even a passage from a traditional Italian anarchist folk ballad. This is intense, defiant, dark music, but it is based in compelling melodies; you can scream these songs at the top of your lungs in a riot, but you could also sing them quietly to yourself in jail to maintain your spirits. Recorded at Mars Studio (known for recording Catharsis, Undying, and scores of more famous hardcore bands), “Germinate” comprises 7 songs in 36 minutes, an epic paean to self-determination and resistance. Includes complete PDF booklet with lyrics, liner notes, and all album artwork. Both MP3 & AAC files are encoded in DRM-free, high-quality 256kbit/s VBR. This digital download is part of an experiment that's goal is to eventually make this download free to everyone—full details below. (read more)
MP3 : Let the Black Flag Fly
From the Depths
P.O. Box 494
Chapel Hill
NC 27514
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