ちなみに、最下部にある Rebel Desire の現在制作中の第3号に、われわれ Acclaim Collective のインタビューが掲載される予定です。2号まではロシア語版だけでしたが、この3号から英語版も刊行されます。完成したら、また告知します。
"Rebel Scene & Rebel Desire #2" on Our "Punks Against G8" Blog
music is our weapon (音楽は俺たちの武器だ)
texts are our bullets (テキストは俺たちの弾丸だ)

" Release of this record was delayed for more than half a year. After the eviction of Ungdomshuset some members of Skarpretter together with more than 250 people were thrown behind bars and were kept there for more than 3 months. After their release from jail they recorded the amazing “Ammunition” EP, and now we made this split. On this vinyl: punk rock by Skarpretter (with members of Paragraf 119), energetic and really angry as always, with distinctive and sincere vocal. Bagna from Belarus with members of Contra La Contra. Great d-beat crust hardcore, sometimes fast, sometimes not, with driven melodic and raw guitars. Difficult to compare with anything, but to get the idea mix from ashes rise and Schifosi. The cover includes lyrics, columns about situation in Denmark and Belarus and a poster. " - Rebel Scene
Bagna: www.myspace.com/bagna
Skarpretter: www.skarpretter.com

" Melodic lyrical punk rock from Copenhagen with catchy riffs and very beautiful female voices. 32 page LP sized booklet with 12 politically-poetical lyrics and comments. " - Rebel Scene
The Assassinators: www.myspace.com/theassassinators

" Oh hell! New record by this band from Galicia, Spain, with members of Madame Germen, Сop On Fire and Disappointment. It’s a one track album – 38 minutes of dark apocalyptic hardcore, harmoniously and excellently mix with crust and metal, with big portion of beautiful and thrilling melodies. And crying lyrics about destructive world politics of the USA. With their music they pave their own way in punk rock, the way filled with despair and anger! This record as the previous ones is a soundtrack of my life. " - Rebel Scene
Ictus: www.myspace.com/ictuscore

Rebel Scene の雑誌刊行部 "Rebel Scene Enemy Dreamers' Collective" から刊行のアナキスト (パンク) ジャーナル "Rebel Desire" の第2号。日本のパンクスにも大人気のデンマーク・コペンハーゲンのポリティカル・メロディック・パンク/ハードコア "The Assassinators"、アメリカのアナキスト・コレクティブ "CrimethInc." のインタビューを始めとして、その The Assassinators も拠点にしていたスクウォット/コミュニティ・スペース "Ungdomshuset" の強制排除から最終決戦までの記録 "Copenhagen On Fire"、そして、2007年のドイツ・ハイリゲンダムでの反G8レポートなどで構成された全94ページ。プロ印刷。
* すべてロシア語なので、ご希望の方に無料で差し上げます。
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